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The track at Scott Johnson Middle School will be closed for the summer for maintenance. It will reopen at the beginning of the school year.


COVID-19 Isolation Plan

Students Who Display COVID-19 Symptoms While at School

Step 1: When a student, who is on campus, has displayed symptoms of COVID-19, such as a fever, coughing, shortness of breath, etc., the school nurse will provide a clinical assessment to determine if and when a student needs to be sent home. Students who are ill will be separated from their peers and should be picked up within one hour.

Step 2: The campus nurse will speak with the parent/guardian regarding quarantine and isolation needed for their symptomatic student. The student who has symptoms of COVID-19, may return to campus after 5 days have passed from symptom onset AND symptoms resolved AND at least 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medication. The student may return to campus before the end of the 5 day period only IF a note from a health care provider is received by and discussed with the campus nurse prior to the student returning to campus.

Step 3: The campus nurse will follow up with the student throughout the quarantine and isolation period.

Step 4: If the parent of the student reports to the campus nurse that the student was tested for COVID-19 and is now lab confirmed positive, the steps for “Students Who Report That They are Lab-Confirmed Positive for COVID-19” will be followed.

Students Who Report That They Are Lab-Confirmed Positive for COVID-19

Step 1: When a student has been lab-confirmed positive for COVID-19, the school nurse and teacher should be notified of their illness and should remain home for 10 days from the date of testing.

Step 2: The student who had the lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive test result, may return to campus after 5 days have passed from the date the positive test was performed AND symptoms resolved AND at least 24 hours have passed with no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medication.

Step 3: The campus nurse will follow up with the lab confirmed COVID-19 positive student throughout the quarantine and isolation period.

Step 4: MISD will follow Texas Education Agency and Collin County Health Department guidance for reporting lab positive confirmed COVID-19 cases.