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The track at Scott Johnson Middle School will be closed for the summer for maintenance. It will reopen at the beginning of the school year.


Now in its Eighth Year, MISD Senior Adult Tour is Still Young at Heart

Press Release|
Shane Mauldin|
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Senior Tour 2019 — Valley Creek Elementary welcomes the Senior Tour!

Senior Tour 2019 — Valley Creek Elementary welcomes the Senior Tour!

McKinney, Texas – They arrive each year on two blue and white McKinney ISD buses to a reception that invariably includes a multitude of cheering students, handmade signs, high fives and—at some point—a drum line.

On Feb. 20, it was the MHS Royal Pride drum line who helped kick things off as the eighth annual MISD Senior Adult Tour buses glided to a stop on the drive outside the just-opened McKinney High School Performing Arts Center (PAC) where rank upon rank of pompom-wielding Marquettes and the aforementioned percussionists waited to greet the 70 or so senior adults as they disembarked.

“The Senior Tour is always one of the best days of the year because it’s great to see the smiles on the senior adults’ faces,” said MISD Board member Stephanie O’Dell. “The kids at the high school love cheering on the seniors as they get off the bus, and the elementary kids especially love interviewing the senior adults. Everybody learns from each other. It’s a wonderful experience.”

in a line

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Marquettes

senior adults walking away from bus

Senior Tour 2019 — Arrival at MHS

in a line with hands up

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Marquettes

drummers in a line

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Royal Pride Drum Line

The theme for this year’s tour was the 2016 Bond and some of the completed projects that were funded by it. On the itinerary was the stop at MHS, a visit to the new MISD Stadium and Community Event Center and activities with students at Valley Creek Elementary School, which has recently undergone a campus-wide refresh.

MHS Principal Alan Arbabi was there to welcome the tour guests and lead them into the PAC’s newly-dubbed Sperry Performance Hall where the school’s Harmony choir ensemble was waiting to perform the national anthem. Then, the orchestra took over with a stirring piece that made full use of the auditorium’s world class acoustics.

singing onstage

Senior Tour 2019 — Harmony in the Sperry Performance Hall

full orchestra with hall in background

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Orchestra in the Sperry Performance Hall

violinist playing onstage

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Orchestra in the Sperry Performance Hall

senior taking photo with phone

Senior Tour 2019 — Sperry Performance Hall

From there, the tour split into groups for a diving demonstration in the recently renovated Sam Serio Natatorium, precision marching and rifle twirling by the always-impressive MHS Marine Corps JROTC cadets and dance numbers by the Marquettes in their newly expanded and revitalized dance studio.

seated at side of pool

Senior Tour 2019 — The Sam Serio Natatorium at MHS

twirling rifles in a line

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Marine Corps JROTC Cadets

marching in formation

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Marine Corps JROTC Cadets

dancing in studio

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Marquettes in new dance studio

performing dance in studio

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Marquettes in new dance studio

dancer spinning in studio

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Marquettes in new dance studio

The tour also took in the recently made-over MHS indoor, multi-purpose athletic facility and then returned to the PAC for three, fantastic theatre performances that would conclude their time at the district’s largest high school.

Coach addressing the group

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Multi-Purpose Athletic Facility

Dr. McDaniel talking to group

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Multi-Purpose Athletic Facility

lone girl onstage speaking

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Theatre Performance in Sperry Performance Hall

duo with guitar singing onstage

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Theatre in the Sperry Performance Hall

girl singing onstage

Senior Tour 2019 — MHS Theatre Performance in Sperry Performance Hall

With that, they were back on the buses and zipping off to lunch at the new MISD Stadium and Community Event Center. With Assistant Athletic Directors Jennifer Frazier, Laura Keahey and Corey Homer leading the way, groups wound their way through the locker rooms and team facilities and then out onto the field to take in the breathtaking view from a player’s perspective. Then, they made their way to the highest point in the stadium to check out the view from the state of the art press box.

group touring locker room

Senior Tour 2019 — MISD Stadium & Community Event Center

Senior Tour 2019 — MISD Stadium & Community Event Center

The day’s final stop was at Valley Creek Elementary, where they were met by a tidal wave of happy vibes that swept them along through the school’s main corridor filled with sign-waving, cheering kids. They ended up in the cafeteria where they were treated to a choir performance, and then they were whisked off to classrooms all over the school to explore the world of Valley Creek.

“We are so thankful to be able to share our school today with the senior adults of McKinney,” said Principal Megan Richards. “We benefited from the recent bond election, and we were able to take the senior adults all around our campus to spend time with our students and see all of our updates and the refreshed, new parts of the school.

“The kids have done wonderfully,” Richards added. “They came out from the very beginning with their signs, with enthusiasm and they’ve been showing our visitors how to do a lot of different activities that they get to do here at school every day.”

kids with banner welcoming tour

Senior Tour 2019 — Arrival at Valley Creek Elementary

senior adults waving to cheering kids

Senior Tour 2019 — Arrival at Valley Creek Elementary

kids with welcome signs in hall

Senior Tour 2019 — Arrival at Valley Creek Elementary

senior adult high fiving kids

Senior Tour 2019 — Arrival at Valley Creek Elementary

senior adults high fiving kids

Senior Tour 2019 — Arrival at Valley Creek Elementary

woman with camera phone out

Senior Tour 2019 — Arrival at Valley Creek Elementary

Choir singing on cafeteria stage

Senior Tour 2019 — Valley Creek Elementary Choir

To that end, the Valley Creek students and their guests explored space and the deep sea through virtual reality goggles and Google Expeditions. In art class, they tried their hand at origami.

“Just try your best,” one student advised when the folding got complicated.

They took part in student interviews and visited the learning commons and the choir room and kindergarten classrooms to see how the school’s renovation and technology upgrades where being deployed day to day to enhance student learning.

senior adults holding virtual reality goggles to their eyes

Senior Tour 2019 — Valley Creek Elementary Virtual Learning

student watching senior adult write down interview answer

Senior Tour 2019 — Interviews at Valley Creek Elementary

seniors and students doing origami

Senior Tour 2019 — Origami at Valley Creek Elementary

Before they knew it, the tour had come to its conclusion, and it was time to climb back aboard the buses.

Judy Collins is something of a Senior Tour veteran. “Well, this is my fifth tour,” she said. “What the bond has done is absolutely marvelous for the children today—a necessary thing and something that we, even the seniors, appreciate going on for the community and for our future generation … So, I go home, and I spread the word. To my grandchildren who are at the high school, I tell them, ‘Guys, you should be so proud.’”

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