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The track at Scott Johnson Middle School will be closed for the summer for maintenance. It will reopen at the beginning of the school year.


MISD Offers Online Summer Enrichment Opportunities for Students

Press Release|
Shane Mauldin|
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

McKinney, TX—McKinney ISD Summer Enrichment@Home is now available online. The website provides opportunities for enrichment while students are at home during the summer months.

Click here to go to the Enrichment@Home website.

Through the Summer Enrichment@Home website, students in McKinney ISD have extensive opportunities to continue their studies during the summer break. The website provides grade-appropriate opportunities to review, continue and extend learning while students are away from the classroom during June, July and August. This site will serve students in all grade levels and will work in conjunction with the district’s Canvas and Seesaw platforms. If you have any questions please contact your campus.

En Español

MISD ofrece oportunidades de enriquecimiento de verano en línea para estudiantes

McKinney, TX — McKinney ISD Summer Enrichment @ Home ya está disponible en línea. El sitio web ofrece oportunidades de enriquecimiento mientras los estudiantes están en casa durante los meses de verano.

Haga clic aquí para ir al sitio web de Enrichment @ Home.

A través del sitio web Summer Enrichment @ Home, los estudiantes de McKinney ISD tienen amplias oportunidades para continuar sus estudios durante las vacaciones de verano. El sitio web brinda oportunidades apropiadas para el grado para revisar, continuar y extender el aprendizaje mientras los estudiantes están fuera del aula durante junio, julio y agosto. Este sitio prestará servicios a estudiantes de todos los niveles de grado y funcionará en conjunto con las plataformas Canvas y Seesaw del distrito. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con su campus.

Need Help?

If you need additional assistance with the content on this page, please contact MISD Communications Department team member Shane Mauldin by phone at 469-302-4007 or by email here .

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