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The track at Scott Johnson Middle School will be closed for the summer for maintenance. It will reopen at the beginning of the school year.


McKinney ISD Enrichment@Home Website Now Available

Shane Mauldin|
Sunday, March 22, 2020
The McKinney ISD Enrichment@Home website has enrichment resources for students to utilize March 23-27.

The McKinney ISD Enrichment@Home website has enrichment resources for students to utilize March 23-27.

McKinney, TX—McKinney ISD now offers the MISD Enrichment@Home website. The site provides opportunities for student enrichment at home during the week of March 23-27 and will remain available throughout the school closure. Beginning March 30, MISD will move into district-wide digital learning using the Seesaw platform for K-2nd grade and Canvas for 3rd-12th grade. MISD will send additional details this week with instructions related to digital learning.

Click here to go to the Enrichment@Home site.

Students in McKinney ISD have extensive opportunities for continuing their studies during school closure. The Enrichment@home website provides grade-appropriate opportunities to review, continue, and extend learning while we are away from the classroom. This site will serve students in all grade levels and will be in conjunction with a district-wide online learning management system. If you have any questions please contact your campus administration or your child’s teacher(s).

En Español

A continuación hay un enlace al sitio web de MISD Enrichment@Home ahora disponible en línea. El sitio ofrece oportunidades para el enriquecimiento de los estudiantes en el hogar durante la semana del 23 al 27 de marzo y permanecerá disponible durante el cierre de la escuela. Como recordatorio, a partir del 30 de marzo, MISD transitará al aprendizaje digital en todo el distrito utilizando la plataforma de aprendizaje Seesaw para K-2do grado y Canvas para 3ro-12vo grado. El distrito enviará detalles adicionales esta semana con instrucciones relacionadas al aprendizaje digital.

Los estudiantes en McKinney ISD tienen amplias oportunidades para continuar sus estudios durante el cierre de la escuela. El sitio web de McKinney ISD Enrichment@home ofrece oportunidades apropiadas al nivel de cada grado para repasar, continuar y extender el aprendizaje mientras estamos fuera del salón de clases. Este sitio web servirá a estudiantes en todos los grados, conjunto con un sistema de aprendizaje en línea a nivel distrito. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la administración de su escuela.

Need Help?

If you need additional assistance with the content on this page, please contact MISD Communications Department team member Shane Mauldin by phone at 469-302-4007 or by email here .

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