College, Career, and Military Readiness

Grad student

College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) is about preparing students for life after graduation. It is developed through curriculum, resources, programs, and activities that help students have the tools they need to enter college or the workforce. CCMR is integrated into the everyday culture of our district as students develop the knowledge base and work habits which will lay the foundation for the successful pursuit of their chosen career. Read more about our Graduate Profile here.

CCMR indicators have been developed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and are designed to assess a student’s readiness to pursue their postsecondary plans:

  • Earning a score of 3 or better on an AP examination

  • Meeting TSI benchmark criteria via SAT, ACT, TSI-A, or Texas College Bridge

  • Completing a dual credit course (9 hours in any subject or 3 hours in English or mathematics)

  • Earning an industry-based certification (IBC)

  • Graduating with a completed IEP and workforce readiness goals

  • Enlisting in one of the armed forces

Students may earn multiple indicators as they progress through high school. Any seniors who have not yet demonstrated their readiness using one of these indicators will receive campus support and resources to assist them in growing the skills that will help them achieve their goals.

Your school counselor is a good resource for information and advising as your child is navigating towards graduation. We also have partners at each high school such as the MEF Advisor from our McKinney Education Foundation and the College and Career Counselor from Collin College. We’ve collected a series of resources for your reference, including district created resources and tools developed by other experts in this area.

CCMR Quick Links

Important CCMR Resources

High School Profiles