Senior Picnic

Date:  May 2, 2025

Time:  10:15AM – 2:40PM

Location:  Main Event – Frisco (9375 Dallas Parkway, Frisco, TX 75033)

Price:  Fee will be charged (TBD)

Details:  Each senior will receive $10 play card, bowling, billiards, laser tag, lunch, and transportation if necessary.

  • Seniors will come to school Friday for a normal school day and attend periods 1-3.

  • Seniors need to bring their PURPLE pass to school Friday.  This is the ticket they will use to get out of class when released.

  • During the middle of 3rd period, an administrator will come on the announcements and give directions for dismissal.

  • All students will head over to Main Event and are expected to stay until 2:40PM.

  • If a student has early release on their normal daily schedule at Boyd, they will be released at their normal time at Main Event as well.  We will have attendance clerks to check their schedules and allow them to leave (only if they have early release on their schedule).

  • Seniors will be fed pizza and drinks while there.

  • All activities (bowling, laser tag, billiards, ropes course, mini-golf, and video games) are included with admission.

***MISD Field Trip Form giving parent permission for this event must have been submitted by each attending senior to C202/Philachack-Yuan no later than Thursday, April 17th at 2:40PM.  These forms will be passed out during all lunches on Friday, April 11th when they pick up their Cap/Gown.***