Dropping Off Student Items During School Hours
Arrive at the front door entrance just off Lake Forest (at the light).
Ring the bell to the right of the door and show your valid driver’s license or ID to the camera.
Come into the vestibule and state your business to the person behind the glass. They will advise you how to proceed.
If dropping off lunch/items for your student.
You will show your ID at the vestibule and be asked for your student’s name.
If you are NOT on the student’s approved list, you will not be allowed to leave a lunch for the student.
Please make sure family members are on your student’s approved guardian list. If you need to add a family member, please contact the registrar’s office:
Heather Claus serves students with Last Names L-Z. She can be reached at HClaus@mckinneyisd.net or 469.302.3416.
Kim Oberlender serves students with Last Names A-K. She can be reached at KOberlender@mckinneyisd.net or 469.302.3415.
You will be buzzed into the front desk area where there is a bookshelf to leave the labeled lunch for your student. Boyd is NOT responsible for lunches not picked up or stolen.
No former students or outside friends will be allowed to drop off lunches, unless they are registered on your approved list through the registrar.
NO delivery services with lunches for your student will be accepted.
If dropping off items for your student.
The same procedure will be followed as above.