MBHS Attendance
We are interested in the very best education possible for your child; therefore, it is imperative that your child attends school each day, every period. Each absence incurred, partial day or full day, means that valuable learning and instruction is being lost.
Parents and guardians are notified of student absences through the following means:
An automated phone call/email/text goes out daily
Attendance Warning letters (delivered on the 3rd, 7th, and 10th unexcused absences)
Possible Loss of Credit Letters (delivered on the 6th absence during the semester)
Loss of Credit Letters (delivered on the 10th absence during the semester)
Review your student’s attendance record daily. As soon as you notice a problem or if you do not recognize the absence dates listed, please contact your campus attendance specialist immediately. Unexcused absences can lead to a variety of issues including a referral to Truancy Court and Loss of Credit.
For detailed information regarding specific attendance items or procedures please see tabs to the left.