Counseling Information

Contact Us

Please view the McKinney High School Counselor page for information!


Naviance is the primary means of communication and information distribution used by the counseling team. This is the first place you should visit if you are searching for any form or need any information regarding your college and career search. To access the Naviance Website use your HAC username and password. If your login information is not correct, please see your house secretary.  You can get more information on Naviance including how to navigate the site here.

Check out the special features in Naviance including finding colleges and careers based on personal skills and areas of interests. You can learn more by watching this video: Overview of Naviance Intro Tour. Finally, you may check your unofficial rank and GPA in Naviance starting on August 4th. For instructions, check out this video: Course Plan.

Home Access Center (HAC)

The Home Access Center (HAC) allows you to track your grades, attendance, standardized testing and upcoming assignments. You can also access your schedule and easily email your teachers. To log into HAC you will need a username and password. Contact your House Office Secretary if you do not know your log-in information.

Requesting a Transcript

Please visit the Registrar page to request a transcript.

Academic Planning Guide (APG)

The MISD Academic Planning Guide is the official document outlining course descriptions, requirements and policies, and other pertinent information. It is extremely important to be familiar with this document. It is available online and updated regularly.

Mental Health and Well-Being

Mental health includes out emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act, deal with stress, relate to others and the choices we make. We never outgrow the desire for connection and the need to be truly seen and heard by someone we love. We only have so many other ways we can cope. If you need some support for your child and their mental health well-being, please reach out to their house counselor or assistant principal. MISD offers a canvas course Mental Health Awareness for Parents

Here are some additional resources.

Parent Guidance


College and Career Center

The MHS counseling staff is available to assist students and parents in exploring the world of higher education and career planning. We also encourage you to visit our college and career center in C100 and to take advantage of our College Admission Data Source Sheets.

College Planning

For information on how to plan for college, how to select the right college for you, and possible advanced degrees, use the following resources:
Every College is Different
Tips for College Admission
Big Future
College Vocabulary
College Search Engines
Generation TX
You Can Go!
Beyond the Bachelors

College Entrance Exams

In order to be accepted to a college or university you will need to take one of two college entrance exams: the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT). Information for signing up for these test can be found:

In order to sign up for these test you will need the McKinney High School institution code: 444630

Test your knowledge on the SAT Question of the Day or the ACT Question of the Day!

College and Finances

There are a number of resources available to help students finance or pay for college. These resources come in a variety of forms such as grants, scholarships, and waivers. For more information on the different types of financial assistance select visit our Explaining Financial Aide page.

Another excellent resource for financial aide information and getting prepared to attend college is the McKinney Education Foundation (MEF). MEF has a representative on campus, Mrs. Sarah Snyder, who helps counsel students on applying for grants, scholarships, and loans. You can set up an appointment with Mrs. Snyder by emailing her at This Email or by visiting her in her office. You can learn more about MEF by visiting the MEF website.

Career Planning

Career planning can be an overwhelming task. Help is available online and at our MHS College Office in F102. Download this list of great career websites. If you have taken the PSAT, you can also use My College Quickstart.

Dual Credit Courses

Dual credit classes allow student an opportunity to participate in a Collin College course while still enrolled in high school. Please visit with your counselor and consult the APG for additional information.

First in Family

The First in Family program is a tradition on the MHS campus. Each year we identify students who will be the first member of his or her immediate family to earn a high school diploma.

Grace Rivera, former MHS Spanish teacher, had the vision to draw our collective attention to this population of students. Grace was a first in family graduate herself and had an incredible heart for her students and for MHS. When she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she chose to create the First in Family program as a part of her legacy.

Our program has several components:

  • College and career counseling

  • Collin College field trip

  • Support for completing Financial Aid applications

  • Opportunity to earn the Grace Rivera Memorial Scholarship

  • Graduation Reception – students and inspiring teachers are recognized, the scholarship winner is announced, and all students receive a white cord to wear as part of the graduation regalia.

If you would like more information or would like to get involved in this unique program, please contact Brandi Ribble.

McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance

The McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance Program protects the right for homeless children and youth to receive a free and appropriate public education. For more information, please visit the McKinney Vento Homeless Education page in the Guidance and Counseling section of the MISD public website.

Contact Us

Please view the contact information for your counselor by visiting the Administration & Houses page.